Friday, May 27, 2011

Religion & Politics

I'd like to say that I try to stay away from controversy, but in reality, I really do like to stir the pot. Playing devil's advocate and twisting things so that it makes someone look at things a different way is one of the actions that I delight in. I have learned a lot about my children by doing this and have realized how I have really raised them to think. I'm hoping it's not to late to change some of that, but unless I change then I doubt I will change them. They have some strong opinions about immigration, religion, politics, and I'm sure there is more but I should probably leave a few secrets about my family :) Like that's going to happen.

The link above is an article entitled "In Defense of Mormons" and the author does a really good job in pointing out that you need to look past just someone's religion or some other label when you are deciding on who to vote for. I didn't appreciate the comment about the funny underwear, but I understand how he would use that as one of his examples.

I really liked how he had facts to back up what he wrote and not just opinions. I should usually do that more but that would require doing research and I usually just like to write about what I'm feeling. Note for later, do research. I would agree with Mr. Lott on many of the reasons that he had in his article why people need to look past the label of any religion and look at how that person that is running for any office votes and if they have the same values as you do. Just because Romney and Huntsman are LDS like I am, it does not mean that I would vote for them. It is my responsibility to do my research and make sure they have the same views for the Country as I do. There could be many reason's why I might lean toward another candidate. The same goes for Sarah Palin, I wouldn't just vote for her because she is a woman or because she says that she is a conservative. There are many things that I don't agree with that is part of her platform.

Did I vote for President Obama because I felt like he just deserved it because of the color of his skin? No, I felt as though he was the lesser of 2 evils. After reading through a lot of crap, I truly felt that he would do the least damage to our Country. Am I always happy with the direction our Country is going in? No, I'm not; I don't appreciate the way President Obama has done some things (cancelling Egypt's debt, bailing out the auto makers, bailing out the banks, bailing out everyone but the middle class). I can see why he felt that was what needed to be done but I also can see how it has hurt our economy. It has hurt our moral and for me how I trust the Government (I don't). I'm also willing to admit that we all make "on the job mistakes" we just don't have the entire world watching us as we do it. Every President that we have had has had both good moments and bad. They are all human and make mistakes. I have to go with the thought that they did the best they could. I always have to have that hope.

It always has been and always will be our responsibility to do our homework and find the candidate that best represents and will do what is the best for us as a people and our Country as a whole. I am so grateful to have been born in this Country and in my semi safe little Utah bubble. I am thankful that I can write this and not have to worry for my families safety. Even though I wish all of our troops could come home, I am so thankful for their service so that I can enjoy my little bubble. I'm also glad to have the illusion that my vote does count and that I have any say in how things are going to happen in our Country.

And, Really? Is it really time for us to have to deal with all this crap already? Didn't we just vote? Really!?

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