Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

I have to start with a story about my mom and I going shopping. I may need to warn you that this post may not be very politically correct, I'll try, but with the people involved and the subject matter I really can't make any promises. A couple of years ago I took my mom to Wal Mart and we were doing some shopping. We went to the store that is by her house, it is technically called the downtown Wal Mart, but somehow over the years it has been dubbed the "Mexican Wal Mart." I really have no idea why it has been dubbed that since there are so many different nationalities that shop there. But, that is the nickname that it goes by. By the time we had wandered through the entire store aimlessly, but with a purpose (seriously, isn't that how everyone shops?), we were ready to check out. We had completely filled a basket and the ridey cart's little basket. It was crazy busy and it took forever for us to get through the checkout. The entire time, there was a group of 4 teenagers behind us that were probably out on a double date. They were so patient and were just having fun visiting and waiting for us to ever finish up. Right at the end, my mom remembers that she needed to get some cash back, we had to start another new transaction. Being the kind person she is, she turned around and told the group behind us that she would pay for their stuff as well. They only had a couple of items, just some little treats. They said no, but that never works with my mom. I'm sure she knew what no meant when she was a child, but as an adult she doesn't hear it, it's like you never said anything to her she will just continue on with what she was doing. The kids behind us tried to say no that they were fine with waiting, but she insisted until they gave in and she bought their things. Cinco De Mayo had just passed and they were still struggling with having her pay for their stuff. My mom turns to them and says, "Happy Cinco De Mayo! just look at it that way." All four of them crack up laughing and we hear, "she thinks we're Mexican." We both just stood there not knowing how to respond. Lame I know. They left the store still hysterically laughing at us. We followed behind laughing hysterically at ourselves. I have no clue where those kids were from, they looked Hispanic, but I now know that that doesn't mean that they are celebrating Cinco De Mayo. I'm just happy that they took it so well and didn't get mad at us. Being laughed at is okay, it's fairly normal in my everyday life. Being yelled at wouldn't have been fun.

We were laughing so hard when we got back to my mom's house that we had to tell the story and it has been repeated many times since. In fact, I am still a little in shock that I admitted what that Wal Mart's nickname is. I hope you understand the warning now. There are times that we are not so PC and things are said and most of the time in front of my kids. So, I really shouldn't have been shocked when Kelton complained about Cinco De Mayo the other day. Alright, I wasn't shocked at all, but it did make me realize that I need to help my children understand that there is nothing wrong with someone coming to America and still celebrating their traditions. This is what makes us all unique and what makes America so amazing. We have so many different holiday's from so many different countries. How boring would March be without St. Patrick's Day? I can't even think of how boring Christmas would be with out all of the different traditions that have been pulled into that one holiday. I know that when my Grandma was little they would rent a cabin by Utah Lake and celebrate Icelandic Days. They would stay there for a week and enjoy their traditions. There are a lot of little traditions that each family has kept and handed down through each generation.

I really am not trying to sound like I'm perfect in any way. I am, however, seeing the big picture better as I get older. I know that when my ancestors came here there were great divisions between the different nationalities. How do you think we ended up with little Italy? We still have a lot of people coming from all different countries to our "melting pot" and finding a home here. I'm thankful for everything that each culture brings with them. The problem right now is that when you have two corrupt systems (governments) working against you it will make doing things the right way very difficult. There is so much of a focus on the Hispanic population that is here illegally and are involved in illegal activities. There is a large majority that have come here to give their families a better life, just like my ancestors. I'm not overlooking the fact that they are here illegally, but they are here and trying to work hard for their families. And, just like with my ancestors, there was bad that came with the good. I mean really, when you hear Italian your first thought is the mob. Don't lie, I know we all enjoy our Godfather and Sopranos :)

Even though I'm pretty sure that I will continue to make mistakes....I truly hope and pray for a time when we can see each other as just people. No race, color, income, or any other dividing lines. Just people all striving to be their best and care for their families. I know that I may sound like little miss molly sunshine who has no clue what reality is, but I do know reality and I want to make it better.

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