Both boys had an overnight scout camp Friday night. They both went out to Skull Valley to the Lone Rock. I've never been there but Kenny has been there several times for scout camps. They were both so excited to go that Thursday was like Christmas Eve, they were so wound up. Kelton's group left before Taylor on Friday. So, it was complete torture while Taylor waited for his group to leave. I tried telling him he needed to settle down or I was going to pay a coyote to take him away into the desert. He quickly informed that it wouldn't work because coyote's don't need money. When did he get so smart?
This is the only before picture that I was able to get. I love it!! I love my little redneck in camo!
They both had tons of fun and I heard all about each of the lizards that Taylor caught and how he held them so they could still breath. That's important, ya know. Kelton's group seemed to focus more on the snakes and even brought a bunch of them home to his leaders house. I know they keep birds out of your garden, but the idea of putting live snakes out in my yard totally freaks me out. There was only one problem with the whole trip. The same kid that threw the light sticks into the fire also decided to throw rocks off the top of Lone Rock and hit Taylor in the head once and the neck twice. I only add in this bad part of their camp out because my sweet little boy, my baby, yelled, "Son of a Bitch!" after he was hit the second time. Only my child would be out with a group from church and get frustrated, okay pissed, and have that fly out of his mouth. Where were his parents? Who lets their child talk like that? (yes, I thought all those things that I would have been murmuring if it had been someone else's child)
I'm glad that they get to go and have these experiences. I think Kenny's mom would be happy to know that he admitted today that he now understands why she reacted the way she did when he would get home from his scout camps. Mom's always love it when their children have an aha moment that makes them appreciate all that was done for them. When all is said and done, both boys had a lot of fun and got to enjoy being boys for a day. They didn't have me behind them worried that they would get hurt or bitten by one of those lizards or snakes.
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