Friday, October 21, 2011

The star Spangled Banner

I absolutely melt every time I hear this man sing.  I love how Trace Adkins sings and overall his deep voice.  We saw him in concert a few years ago and it was amazing.  In fact that was the concert that we have been to. I think I have almost all of his CD's and almost lost 2 of them when we sold our car, they had fallen underneath one of the seats and was almost lost forever.  Trace Adkins sings about normal everyday stuff and has many songs that praise your everyday hardworking man and our Country and soldiers.

A couple weeks ago I had heard that he was going to be singing the National Anthem at one of the college football games and I missed it. However, today on Facebook they had a link to him singing the National Anthem at the 2011 MLB World Series - Game 2.  He sounds amazing and so of course I have to share this with everyone :)  I still am amazed at how low his voice can go.

Here is the link, I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do.

Trace Adkins singing The Star Spangled Banner

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