I have to say that so far Maggie has been so good for me. I was warned about all of her little things that she does and I'm used to watching Chris take off after her when she is getting into something. But for me, she has been wonderful! I haven't had to chase her around the yard to get her to come back in the house and since she can't hear, I had to just pick her up this morning and carry her outside to get her to go out. Then, she came right back to me and we came inside. Sorry to everyone else who has had any struggles but I'm glad that she is being so nice to me. She even went shopping and bought each of us a present to say thank you for taking care of her. She also added a thank you for taking good care of Jack as well.
Who's Jack you ask? Well, Jack is a squirrel that has taken up residency in my moms backyard. He comes down and dances for my sister and Chris when they are outside. Now he has a family of four and they have been feeding them. Taylor was given the specific responsibility of feeding the squirrels everyday. So far I haven't seen Jack, but I'm not outside that much. I'm sure he will feel very neglected by the time Sunday comes and his normal people are back.
Last night Taylor and I stayed up until about one in the morning watching T.V. We watched all kinds of things and ended up on the history channel watching "Swamp People". It was such an eye opener to how different people live. These people live right on the water in the swamp in the South somewhere. All I really remember is that one boy was learning how to handle the rope and the rifle so that he could get his own boat and start getting gators on his own. Their whole thing is catching (and killing) alligators and catfish. The "gators" would get caught in ropes that were set out and then they would come up and pull the rope up and shoot the gator. The catfish, I'm still in shock at how they would catch these things. Two of the men were actually down in the water and when they found a catfish they would corner it and then one of them went down under the water so the catfish could bite onto his hand and then once the fish was locked on the guy would haul this huge catfish up and into the boat. It was insane, and they were down in the same swamp water that the alligators were in.
I quickly decided that is a profession that I would never be able to try. There are three big reasons why:
1)Alligators, need I say more. I'm a pretty good shot but they can eat me before I could ever pull the trigger.
2)getting in swamp water. There is no way, if you don't already know, I won't get into any water that is not a chlorinated swimming pool. Things live in that water (ie fish) and they poop in that water. I will not swim where there are living things that could touch me and I don't want to risk having fish feces enter me or be near me. Now that I have thought about it, I now need to add that there is gator poop in that equation as well. Yuck!!
3)Letting a fish bite me: first let me refer you back to reason number 2 and add ouch. I don't like pain so why would I ever let a fish bite me. Have you seen the teeth on a catfish? They look very ouchy.
The final touch that makes me think I would have a hard time with that lifestyle is that they made "T-Rex Jumboullia" (I know that is spelled wrong, but I can't figure it out, not even with the help of spell check. now you have to see how bad my spelling is). Any guesses as to why it's named T-Rex, yep, they make it with alligator meat. I think that's enough about the swamp.
Now for the highlight of my night. About 4 am I was awaken to hail pounding into the huge window in my moms room. I rolled over just in time to open my eyes and be blinded by lightening. It was so amazing and bright and loud. The storm moved through pretty fast and was down to just raining in about 10 minutes, but the entire time that it was lightening and thundering it was so cool. I love thunderstorms! Taylor slept through it all and didn't even roll over, nothing. He had no clue anything had happened during the night when I asked him this morning. He missed out!
I really can't wait to see what today may bring. One thing is for sure, it will include a nap!
(as an added note, the nap never came)
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