Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lazy Saturday

This a rare Saturday, indeed. We are never lounging and relaxing all at the same time, I mean never. Usually it's just me alone and Kenny never stops. The boys will come and go, it really just depends on if Kenny is doing something cool and fun or if they have some video game that they just have to beat.

You know that we're in trouble when Rabbie (who has been a part of our family for years, I will write about him later) has the remote. Today, with Rabbie in charge we have been forced to endure True TV and watching wild police chases. He has now moved onto "Senior Smackdown". Now I'm wondering if it really is Rabbie that has chosen this channel or if he is being framed. Who else in our family would choose such things to watch?

No, mom, I will not get dressed today or move the bottle so you can see my face! Negotiations will soon comence with this oldest child of mine. Right now he is to busy watching "blue hairs" drive drunk and one lady just smacked her Pastor. What am I subjecting my children to?

Now that Rabbie is not in control of the remote and Taylor has rescued him, I'm thinking he really was framed for choosing such a channel with these shows for us to watch. Rabbie, can you let me know who it was that would do such a thing to you?

I think we have our culprit! Rabbie was able to pick the one who framed him out of a line up. After careful questioning, I had to agree that it was my sweetheart who had pick the channel that we are being forced to endure. Honey, really, you're making us watch this stuff again?

I'm trying to hold out and not get sucked into the shows. They become addictive because you just have to see if someone will really do something even more stupid than the one before. I'm not looking. I really should go get ready for the day. I'm still not looking. Oh man, I peeked and can't believe that this old man thought the breathalyser test was the officer actually offering him something to drink. I'm sucked in. I don't think there's much hope left for the day now.

At least Maggie hasn't been sucked into the stupidity that we have been lured into watching. She is getting to relax in peace, alone, in semi quiet. Can I be a princess Maggie?

The violence that is on TV has now affected the calm stuppor that we had been enjoying. My boys have now moved to the stairs and are wrestling. I'm supposed to take them into public at some point today, do I really have to? If this keeps up we will be the next family to be in the "Wal Mart People" pictures. At this point, is there any hope for this family?

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