Monday, December 20, 2010

A Weekend In A Nutshell

I have had so many random things happen the last few days that I'm not even sure how to share them with you.

I think I'll start with this picture which is the most important to me. It was 17 years ago this last week that Kenny proposed to me. I remember sitting on my brown couch at my mom's house and talking. We were waiting for some friends to come meet up with us and then we were going to the opera. Yes, Kenny went to the opera. And bless his soul, he sat through the whole thing, I even sat through the whole thing. I like a lot of opera's but this one was bad. It's been 17 years and it hasn't even dimmed how bad it was. When we were dating we spent a lot of time talking about what we wanted in a family and how we would want our marriage. Every time we talked about this I knew we were getting serious, but it was so nice to know that he really did want to spend his life with me. I had my sister-in-law take this picture last night and I was shocked to see how much we are the same and how much we have changed. Kenny, thank you for taking that chance on me so many years ago. I look forward to what is going to come.


Last night we had our family Christmas dinner with Kenny's family. It turned out so nice! Carrie and Herri were nice enough to open their home to all of us nuts and somehow we all survived the noise level with all the kids playing. I think we could have given any Jazz crowd a run for their money when it came to decibel level. The guys were yelling at the TV while they watched the football game. The kids were running wild and yelling as they played hide and seek and whatever else they played. The food was so good, everyone did a wonderful job. I love this side of my family so much and am so very grateful to have had that time with them.


I was so worried when I joined my church choir, but it ended up being such a wonderful experience. We have been practicing so much over the last couple of weeks (everyone else started a while ago, I came in late). I loved the songs that we learned and even started to make some friends in our new ward. I asked Kenny after we were done with our Christmas program and he said that we sounded really good. I hope that we were able to inspire and help our neighbors who might have been having a hard time at this time of year. I know participating in the choir helped to get me in the right frame of mind to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas an I hope that we were able to give that others as well.


I was able to spend Saturday with my sister, Becca. We have so much fun shopping and even just visiting. I just love being able to have some girl time with her. She is such an amazing sister! We were able to get so much done on Saturday. I finished up my Christmas shopping, Becca was able to see her eye doctor, we got our hair cut and without talking about it we ended up with the same haircut. I can't believe I made it clear through the day and we didn't even get back to my home until 10 pm. It was so worth it!

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