Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Day, REVOKED!

Yesterday was Monday, as we all know. It even started out as a good Monday. I was starting to feel better and for one second thought I might be over this stupid cold. I had my dishes done and the dishwasher running. Before noon I had all but three loads of my laundry done, for a family of 4 that almost constitutes a miracle. I was even ready and left on time to get Kenny so we could have lunch together. Then, and I'm not sure what it was, but the universe decided that my good day was done. No notice, not even a little warning that my good day was being revoked. There was no reason given, it was just gone!

The only thing I can think of is when Taylor called and wanted to come home from school because his knee was still hurting. I asked him to try something for me and told him if it didn't work to call me again and I would come and get him. I even took my phone with me when I went in to shower and get ready to leave so I wouldn't miss his call. He never called, so I assumed he was okay. I think thats what did it. However, I will never be certain of this because like I just said, there was no reason given.

I even did something nice after I left Kenny from having lunch. I didn't get irritated when the lady in her little beamer had to back up at the DI because she was in to much of a hurry to wait the 2 seconds for the car in front of her to leave. I saw this and stayed back so she could back up and leave, then I pulled up to drop off my donations. I stayed back and even smiled at her when she drove by, I was nice. I also let someone cut in front of me because he didn't realize that the lane he was in turned into a right turn only lane. I was only slightly irritated, but I was nice and I didn't even say anything to mean and I didn't tail gate him. See, nice again.

I guess being on top of dishes and laundry and the few nice things that I did, did not out weigh whatever I did wrong because once I got home with Taylor my good day went swirling down the drain. Actually, it started while I was waiting to pick up Taylor. I was reading my book while I was waiting and both of my hands kept going numb. I thought it was weird, but whatever, sometimes my body just does weird things. I knew we wanted to watch a movie that we had rented, so instead of taking a nap (I was exhausted!) I played bejeweled to stay awake so I would start dinner on time and have it ready early. I had timed it perfectly for when Kenny got home. My only mistake at this point was trying a new recipe. One should never try a new recipe when you know you have plans for the evening. Never!

This recipe was reported to be a good one, so I took this persons word and attempted making it. I followed the directions perfectly, I promise. But, I noticed that it was starting to get really brown on the bottom of the pan. I really thought that when I added the chicken stock it would deglaze the pan and everything would be okay. So, I moved forward with all the chopping and cooking and following the directions but the bottom of the pan kept getting darker. I was already cooking with the heat lower than what it said to use, I even turned the heat down a little more. No good, It had burned on the bottom. The recipe said to let the chicken and potatoes simmer for 45 min...I only let it go about 15 min because I could smell a little bit of a burning smell. It was ruined! What was supposed to be Chicken with Glazed Pears turned into garbage. It was so bad that when I tasted it I must have pulled a horrible face because Taylor pulled Kenny aside and asked if I was going to throw up.

I had been prepping and cooking this meal for almost two hours and now I had to go to the store to get something that we could actually eat. All my other meals would take to much time to make and I didn't have what I needed to just have sandwiches. I ended up at WalMart with Kenny and we got the few things we needed. I then remembered that I had taken the last of the Mucinex that morning. We split up and I went to the Pharmacy and Kenny went to a check stand. He even went to one where the lady in front of him had three separate WIC purchases and gladly waited because he had seen the line at the pharmacy. It took forever and it involved more standing. I was in so much pain by the time I got to the counter to get my stupid Mucinex. Kenny was waiting for me, so much for trying to split up and make things faster.

In the end, we finally did get dinner but there was no movie. Taylor went to bed with his knee still hurting (I did give him some medicine, but nothing seems to be touching it). Kelton went to bed upset because he didn't get to watch his movie and I had to take it back today. Kenny gladly brought me ALL of my medications last night. I guess he thought I was getting a little anxious :)

Now it's Tuesday and my hands and part of my arms keep going numb while I'm trying to type this. I don't think it's going to get any better today even though I have my laundry going and the dishwasher is running. After I take a nap, I'm sure I'll be able to look forward to tomorrow.

I just realized how long this is and I didn't even tell you about the stupid cat. All I'm going to say is, if he jumps at the Christmas tree and knocks over the nativity again so he can chew on the branch I am going to plug the tree in and have my own version of "Christmas Vacation"!!!

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