Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brotherly Love

I am always saying that I have the best kids in the world and something happened over the past two days that has confirmed that once again. I had a really bad day yesterday that started with me not able to wake up. I remember Kenny saying good by in the morning and then both boys coming in to wake me up and I just couldn't, I was so tired. Kelton still got ready for school, said bye and left for the bus. I am so proud of him for being so responsible. At 13 I would have been tempted to just go back to bed and say that I had accidentally slept in also, oh wait, I'm pretty sure I did that. Later in the day, Taylor was so excited to go spend some money that he had earned from his Grandma Chris that he made me lunch and was helping to do anything he could so he could go shopping. He is so strong and willing to help, even being one week out of surgery and still limping around. I am constantly amazed at what my boys do. They are so caring, helpful, and responsible.

Today was another hard one to wake up to, but I did wake up and talk to Kelton a little before he left for his bus. Not to long after he left I heard Taylor's cell phone ring and since it was so early I checked it to make sure nothing was wrong. I had left my phone on vibrate from last night and wanted to make sure someone wasn't trying to get a hold of us on one of the boys phones. I never look at my boys text messages, I promise, I will ask them about who just texted them and what is going on but I have never opened a text to them until this morning. I saw that the text was from Kelton and was nervous that something was wrong, my first thought was that he had missed his bus. That was not it, it was a text for Taylor that told T to have a good day and have fun. Once again I am so impressed with my oldest son. I mean, what 13 year old just does that?

I love both of my boys and am so glad to have them in my life. They bring such a joy to both me and Kenny. It is weird when they fight or bicker because it is so rare; although now that we're heading into this whole teenage thing it is happening a little more. It really doesn't happen that often and I know there is something wrong when they act like "normal" siblings and get mad or frustrated with each other. I am so happy that I snooped this time so I could give Kelton the kudos for being such a wonderful brother. This act of kindness would have gone by unknown if I hadn't been worried that something was wrong. It makes me wonder how many other times each of them have done something nice like this for the other and none of us knew.

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