Here it is from the beginning. This was one of my first big cleaning days since my operation. I had been doing little things and then taking a break and then do a little more. But, when I first had Kelton I didn't listen to the doctor and I vacuumed to early and I truly paid for not listening. All I remember is pain, lots of pain, and a promise to never overdo it again. I was a little scared to vacuum after all of my complications. I'm a wimp, on with my mishap.
I turned on the vacuum and noticed that it wasn't sucking anything up. I kept trying to see if I was just being overly picky but when I pulled the hose off to go around the edge of the wall the beater brush started to blow dirt and whatever else I thought I had just vacuumed up into the air. I was covered. Here I go again, time to clean out the stupid thing.
I tipped it over and pulled out my handy dandy screw driver. I pulled out the top part of the hose that was the long part that you pull out to get the edges. Then I unscrewed the bottom part of the short part of the tube and started trying to find the clog.
Squeezing and pulling at the longer hose I start to find gunck. I started to pull on it and it slowly came out just a little bit at a time. I started to beat the hose against the vacuum and got some more gunck out. I thought it was all out of the long hose and started to focus on the shorter part that came from the beater brush.
I could see dirt in there but couldn't get to it. I had this brilliant idea. I knew that we had an old baby bottle brush under the sink and thought that would be the perfect tool to get the dirt pushed through and out of the hose. Instead of just pushing the dirt out it somehow sucked the bottle brush into the hose. Now what?
My boys were extremely helpful and told me that now the vacuum was really broken. That was not going to work for me. I was not going to be the one who broke the vacuum and I was going to get that brush out and vacuum before Kenny got home.
I grabbed the screwdriver and took the entire bottom off the vacuum. I knew that the beater bar would come off somehow. Oh, it did come out and it took the belt out with it. Why did it pull the belt into all this? I have no idea how the belt came into all this. Where in the world does the belt go? I decided to focus on the stupid bottle brush and would worry about the belt later.
As I was pulling the beater brush off I moved the vacuum just right and it turned the vacuum on. Now it was blowing dust and dirt all over me. Now I was really covered in crap. There was this moment when I was in shock and was so busy holding my hands up to block the dust from getting into my eyes that I didn't know what to do. Duh, unplug the vacuum. I started thinking that throwing it off our balcony into traffic sounded really good. Then I would take a shower and figure out how to buy a new vacuum.
Instead I was able to get the bottle brush out and I figured out how to put the belt on all by myself. I know, right!! I was able to pull more guncky stuff out of the long hose and put the rest of the vacuum back together. I plugged the vacuum back in and being very proud of myself I turned it on to vacuum before Kenny got home.
The hose was still plugged. The vacuum was immediately turned off and left right in the walk way. I went to the computer and played solitaire. It was either that or once again throw the vacuum into traffic.
Kenny fixed the vacuum and got the long hose all emptied out and eventually I got a shower and washed all the dirt off me.
Imagine, this all took place in less than an hour. It took me longer to write about it :)
Lesson: don't clean a vacuum with a bottle brush!
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