Friday, September 23, 2011


I used to love to try to live my life like "The Fly Lady".  I tried to get organized and follow her ideas, however, several years later I am still living in chaos.  According to Fly Lady chaos means: Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.  That is right where I'm at right now.  Just when I think I know what I'm doing the rug gets pulled out from underneath me.

Our adventures with homeschooling (which my boys hate me saying, they are attending a charter school) having been going good.  We hit a few bumps and fell in few sink holes in the beginning but I think we have our groove down.  I'm afraid to say that because now something is going to bump us out of our groove and wreak havoc on us.  I do think that we are doing good though and have had a good time with field trips and educational movies.

Our little family is facing some big changes and a couple little ones in the very near future. Okay, one started yesterday.  We are now a one car family.  Kenny and I decided that to try to stay ahead of the curve it would be good for us to sell our Subaru Legacy (Kenny's baby) and go to one car.  Things just keep changing and with Kenny's income going up and down like a yoyo we thought this would be one way to be responsible. No one worry, we are okay, but we want to stay that way. By doing this we received some equity from the car and now we don't have that payment.  This all equals a little breathing room.

Wait! Breathing room, what is that?  We found out that both of our boys need braces and that the payment for braces is about half of what our car payment was.  So we still have a little breathing room but not at all what we thought it would.  It's okay because if they need them and they really do then I will make sure they are taken care of.  The also will be seeing an allergy doctor to make sure that they are okay or if either of them really has asthma or allergies.  Kelton will get his braces on in the morning and then go see the allergy doctor.  The next week Taylor will get his braces off.

Taylor is waiting that week for his braces because he goes in on Monday for surgery.  He has been calling it his pit stop and then will make the sound of a drill.  The hardware that we put in is doing it's job and the limb length is slowly evening out, however, it is making his longer leg start to go bowlegged.  We have to hurry and take out his hardware on the inside of his tibia growth plate.  The hardware on the outside will correct the bowleggedness and then we can take out that hardware.  We are leaving the pins in on his femur growth plate to finish making up the length difference.  I think Taylor is more worried about school than the surgery, he doesn't want to fall behind.

Kelton has been asked by a girl to go to one of our church dances.  It isn't until the middle of next month but he is still thinking about it.  I don't know why he is thinking about it, they aren't going "together", they will just meet up there and I'm sure there will also be other friends there.  We will see what he does.  I hope he goes and just has fun with everyone and not worry so much about this girl being there.  What am I saying, I was 14 once and I know thinking about the person who asked/invited you is all you can do.

Time to dash away and change loads of laundry, get Taylor logged in so he can start his lessons for today, figure out if I'm going to make it my friends wedding reception tonight, wake up Kelton, do the dishes and plan the menu, go grocery shopping, and squeeze in there a trip to Kenny's work to take him our second set of keys for the car and lunch.  I forgot that before I can any of the running around part I need to fill the car up with gas.  Goodness, I hope your day is a little less packed!

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