Sunday, April 24, 2011


"Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen."
(Luke 24:5-6)

I love easter and all that this season brings. I love seeing the green grass, the flowers starting to bloom and time to remember all that my Savior has done for me. I know that Christ was resurrected and that he lives. I know that through him I will be able to live again as well. I am always amazed at how deep my feelings run when I think of Christ suffering and dying for me. He was willing to go through all that pain so that little ol' me can one day return to live with him again. I know that I will be blessed to spend all of eternity with my family. I am blessed to have been able to gain this knowledge through prayer and the quiet whisperings of the Holy Ghost.

Christ freely did this for each and every one of us! I am so thankful that we have such an amazing big brother who is the perfect example for us to follow. I'm thankful to be able to repent when I make a mistake. I am also thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who not only provided a Savior for us but the knowledge that he knows our names and our needs. It is comforting to know that I can turn to him in prayer and know that he knows me and hears me. I am so thankful to have God in my life and to receive all of the blessings that he blesses me and my family with every day.

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