Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Parking Lots

There are so many other things for me to blog about and to catch up on.  We have been working on putting in a bathroom in my Mother-in-Law's basement so we can move in to her home in a month and I have pictures and memories from Fathers Day.  It will come this week, but for now I have another, actually pointless, thought to share.

While leaving Walmart the other day I had the most random thought.  How many people leave the store and can't remember where they parked? It made me wonder what it was like during the days of horse and wagon.  I know people who have not just lost their car but have gone to the wrong car.  One instance, the person got into the wrong car and drove off before realizing they had the wrong car and returned it.

So, did anyone lose their horse and wagon? Did anyone ever load up and drive off with the wrong rig? I know the horses were branded but it was a horse...not like today where we have different styles and brands. Does anyone ever wonder about these things? 

Better yet, what about when cars first were introduced...did anyone ever jump into the wrong model T? It's not like there was much difference between those early cars.

Welcome through my trap door :)
Just a random thought for the day. Hope everyone has a good day.

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