Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our First 2 Days of School

I will start by saying that I am more than overjoyed with our decision to home school our boys. We were surprised by Taylor starting his classes 2 days early. We were not ready for that and it has caused some discord in our home. Taylor has been working his little tail end off with his class load while Kelton doesn't start his classes until tomorrow. Taylor has been sick and it has been hard for him to focus but he has done amazing and has gotten 100% on almost all of his assessments. Kelton is chomping at the bit to get started. He just checked his list of classes and found out he has 11 assignments due this week and he has 3 days to get them done. He will be one busy kid once tomorrow morning has come.

We have had our ups and downs and this is has been a learning experience for all of us. It will continue for us for some time. I know we will get our schedule down but for now we are in a state of chaos and Taylor is feeling somewhat overwhelmed (I don't blame him). He keeps walking through the house saying "assessment, assessment, assessment, all I do is take tests!" It really is what he has been doing but that is how the program knows if he is ready to move to the next level or if he needs to review the lesson some more. I have to admit that I am loving doing his Pre-Algebra with him. Although, I really think what he is doing is just Algebra. His first assignment was filled with some complex equations, I was in heaven doing the work with him, he was hyperventilating. I keep reminding him that I am here to work with him and help teach him.

Our first official 2 days have included lots of coughing, tears, stomping, slamming of doors, naps and good hard work, studying, learning beyond what they though they could do, passing lesson after lesson off, and so far overall success within all of our chaos. I wouldn't change this for the world. I love seeing my boys succeed and see that shine of accomplishment in their eyes.

I do have to admit that for the first day of school this is the first year that I didn't take a picture of the boys. Maybe I should have just for the fun of it. We were all half asleep, Taylor was so sick and we were all in our pajama's. The boys thought it was so cool that they could attend their welcome assembly in their pajama's and Kelton was eating breakfast while he watched his. The next time we have school in our PJ's I will get a picture of it and just say it is the first day. Either way, we all know how our first morning went. I love this!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I could do it, in fact I know I couldn't do it! I hope your boys exceed all expectations and they love this new way of learning :).....
