Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine years later

I really can't believe that it has been 9 years since I sat watching planes fly into buildings over and over. I was glued to the T.V. all day in shock, I couldn't believe that something this bad could really happen. I spent the day worried for my family and wondering what this all meant. I was across the Country when all hell broke lose in New York and yet I was suddenly part of New York and wanting more than ever to be there to help. Seeing all those people hurt, especially the children, made me want to just go hold them and rock them and comfort them. I wanted so badly to be there to reassure these hurt children, some of whom were now orphans, that somehow they would be okay. I don't think I have ever hugged my children as much as I did during the next couple of weeks following 9-11.

What I truly wanted to share, other than a couple memories from that day, is what happened in my small town during the week that followed. While the entire Country was a no fly zone, I woke up one morning early and was lying in bed enjoying the peace before I had to start my day. While I was laying there I could hear a jet fly over head and circle our little town a couple of times. When I heard that I began to cry and I laid there with tears running onto my pillow thanking who ever was up there for watching over and protecting my little family and our town. I remember the safety that I felt knowing that our Air Force was watching over all of us, willing to put their lives on the line so that I could continue to know peace in my life. So that my children could continue to go to school with out worrying about something happening to them.

On this anniversary, amid all of the continued hatred, I wanted to take a minute to remember and thank all of the members of the Armed Forces, the New York Fire and Police Departments, and all the many volunteers that took the time to think of others before themselves. I want to thank the Airmen that flew over Grantsville and watched over all of us.

I would just like to ask that everyone take one day to set aside their differences so we can focus on the big picture. For one day 9 years ago we pulled together as a country and cared about each other without placing any boundaries on that love and concern. Please remember that day and carry it with you always. Please pray for those that continue to protect us, on both a national and local level, that they may be safe and be able to come home to their families.

Thank You and know that you are appreciated!

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