Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Whole New Year

It is officially a new year and the first day was wonderful. We had lunch with friends and was able to listen to our husbands reminisce about their missions. It is always fun to hear these stories and to hear what these 19 year old boys do. Especially when it is their first time on their own. We then had dinner with my mom and Chris. It was so yummy! Then we stayed there way past our bedtimes and watched this new comedian they found. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Now is day number 2 of this new year and with church starting at 1 pm, I think it's going to be good. I can sleep in and take time getting ready for church instead of rushing and Kenny having to play drill sergeant to get the boys moving.

I did my year in review already, but I neglected to add in there what I learned from everything that had happened. The more I think about it, the lessons learned needed their own post.

I learned that spending time together as a family is the most priceless thing I can ever do. We took a few holiday's that are considered couple only and spent them as a family. Valentines day was one of those days and I learned that sharing that day with our children was a wonderful idea. This year I would like to have our family spread that time and love with others who might be alone.

I learned that even though I would love to not have a car payment, I may have to give in and realize that we love cars to much. I've already been looking at other cars, but then again I'm always looking at homes and we haven't bought another one yet. If I were to actually set a new years resolution it would be to not buy a car this year.

Our biggest struggle from last year was our health. I learned that sometimes it takes having something happen, whether it be health or something else, to make you stop and look at what is really important in life. In a way I'm happy (not sure if that is really the right word) to have most of my health issues diagnosed. I now know why I don't feel good and haven't for years. I also now know what is important to me and it isn't working myself to death (or mental breakdown) so we can have stuff. With me needing to stop working it also helped me realize that it doesn't matter where I live or what kind of home I live in, I'm still the same person. It helped me to learn that if someone wants to judge me based on what kind of home I live in without knowing me, then I don't need to know them. Life is short and I want to spend my life with people who help to bring out my best side (the other side can be fun, but not always nice).

I now know what to appreciate and to take the time to appreciate it. It means that when my boys have a question about something, I need to take the time to answer them and not brush it off as something trivial. Even if the question is, "What is viagra?" It's taking the time to not just talk at my kids, but chat with them and really listen to what is going on in their lives. I've learned a lot, even in the last couple weeks. I'm not sure I was ready to learn these things but nature doesn't care if I'm ready, my boys are growing up and Kelton's health class has gone into great detail during their sex education part of the class.

One thing that I already knew, but don't always remember is how much the older generations have to offer. They have already gone through everything that we are now trying to figure out. It is amazing when I get the chance to sit and listen to some of their stories because I learn so much and then have the answers I need. It is so much easier to listen than try to reinvent the wheel. Two weeks ago I was able to sit next to the sweetest lady named Esther. She had 9 children and it was so fun hearing some of the stories she could share in the few minutes we had before Relief Society started. I love listening to Helen's stories when we get together. I can't believe that I have now known her for a year. I really want to spend some more time this year getting to know her. I would love to know how she was best friends with my grandma and to learn some more about both of them. I'm sure she can also share some good stories about my mom and her siblings.

I am so excited for this new year and for everything that I'm going to experience with my family and friends. I wish the very best for all of us!!!! I love all of you and am blessed to be able to spend another year with each and every one of you!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing in a year what we learn...I figure I might have it all figured out by the time I hit 80 :)....Here is hoping for a great year for your family!
