Monday, January 17, 2011

Science Fair Time

We have known for well over a month that Taylor had to do a Science project for the Science Fair. So, like any good mother, I explained that we had tons of time and not to worry. Once a week Taylor would all of a sudden realize that his project was due sometime soon and have a panic attack. I would once again assure Taylor that we had tons of time and not to worry. We did take some time one evening and do his research. I also printed off the pictures for him to color over Christmas break and he did get those done and ready. There were a few times here and there that we would work on it.

One night after dinner instead of working on his project, we were sitting around talking and somehow Momma's Little Piggy came up and the next thing I knew Taylor was doing the whole Mamma's Little Piggy. See how well we have been using our time. If building food sculptures would count for a science project, we would have been set!

All through this I have been dragging my feet a little because I have never done a science project before. I have never in my life had to use that stupid tri-fold board and explain my project on it. This was all so new to me and I was scared to try to even help. So, now that his project is due tomorrow, we have it done! Man, I work well under pressure! Taylor did a wonderful job on his project and keeping his journal.

Here he is with his finished display. Since I have never done this before I'm not sure if we did enough or if it's just right or anything. I think it looks nice and clean and organized.

Here is a close up of his display.

This is the middle section. The little green part on the bottom is a little note that we added from some of our research that says that all the water on the earth right now is the same water that was here when the earth was formed and when dinosaurs were on the earth. I did not know this, but that is how the water cycle works. It just keeps cycling the water.

This is the side of the board that explains precipitation and collection.

This is the side that explains evaporation and condensation.

Good Job T! I can't wait to see what your teacher has to say.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This looks great! Austin's project is due in a couple of weeks and we haven't even started it. =-( I don't even know where to begin. I ordered a book from Scholastic that is supposed to give some ideas so hopefully he gets that soon!
