Wednesday, December 7, 2011

X-Wings in the morning

While driving Kenny to work the other morning (Monday) I told him to have a good day.  Kenny's reply was that he would try.  Before I go any further you need to know that he has successfully turned me into a Star Wars geek.  So, my reply was, "do or do not, there is no try."  Ya, I know, but give me some was 6:30 in the morning and I was in horrible pain from my stupid back.  Kenny didn't even miss a beat. He quickly replied that he "would drop an x-wing on me."

It is a really good thing that x-wings aren't real.  It is also a really good thing that we don't have any at home, my boys quickly reminded me that all of their x-wings are in storage.

I'm still trying to decide which was funnier...the boys taking the whole x-wing part so literal or that Kenny said he wanted to drop one on me.  The scary part is that most of our morning drives are that random :)

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