Saturday, June 12, 2010


Every once in a while I like to post my favorite text that I have gotten that week, this week it was "Boared." It took me a minute to figure out that Kelton was bored and not that he was warning me that something was flying at me. We have been known to do things like that ever since we first saw Twister. We love that movie. As soon as I figured out that this was not a warning, I promise it wasn't long, I quickly replied, "then clean your bathroom". He then replied with, "maybe." Which was quickly answered with, "no, do it."

That is a quick synopsis of the first week of summer vacation. How could they be bored their first week home? I don't get it, I don't remember ever being bored. My summer was filled with teaching my dolls, playing house, reading, doing puzzles, and intertwined in all of this bossing my sister around and making her do and say whatever I felt she needed to do at that time. Sorry Becca, I hope that at some point over the years you have forgiven me.

There was no time to be bored, I had a bike to ride (which I would pretend was a motorcycle), Huts to build in every room of the house, Barbie's to dress up and occasionally cut their hair when I decided they were sick of long hair. My sister's hair to cut, when I decided she was sick of hair all together (sorry again). I would go out and play in the rain, something I just can't let my boys do. This may take professional help, but by the time I can afford it they will be too old to want to play in the rain, that's my hope anyway.

I'm trying to figure out what happened between my childhood and my boys. They have all the same things I had growing up, they just don't like to cut hair and you really can't cut Darth Vader's hair or GI Joe's. They are boys and they figured out that they can burn their dudes in my candles. I think playing in the rain may soon be a possibility if they promise to not leave any more foot prints in my candles. We may have a good compromise here.

I have been able to keep them pretty occupied since that text with cleaning and laundry, but I fear that I may have mutiny on my hands before we even get to go on vacation. So far, my only thought is to tell them that I will give them spelling lists and math worksheets. I'm hoping that will scare them into finding something to do and to get out and play a little. Any other suggestions would be welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. Well....we could always get together again! I'm sure the kiddo's would find something to do! :)
